As a football club, not only do we understand the physical advantages of young people taking part in sport but there are also so many other skills and attributes children learn through taking part in sport.
One of our main club aims is to help develop our players not only on the field but off the field too, helping mould them into fantastic human beings.
Being part of a team also builds valuable life skills such as communication, teamwork, confidence and resilience which are girls can go on to use throughout their lives. To help further our teaching ability and our girls desire to learn, we have partnered up with the Children's University and are now and official Learning Destination.
What is The Children's University?
The Children's University is an international charitable trust that encourages children aged 5 - 14 years to try new and exciting learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours, developing new interests and acquiring new skills.
The scheme aims to ra
ise children's aspirations and develop them through worthwhile out of school activities, rewarding achievements and participation with a series of certificates.

How does it work?
Every child taking part in the Children's University is issued with their own Passport to Learning. Their passport allows them to record all of the Learning Activities at Learning Destinations that they take part in. Each entries shows the hours of learning they're doing, which leads to a presentation of CU Certificates at a CU Graduation Ceremony. Certificates start being awarded at 30 hours of participation, and go all the way up to 1,000 hours!
Learning doesn't just take place the classroom. Children learn new things in all sorts of places: at museums, on nature walks, by playing sports and music, and much more besides.
How to get started?
If your child is interested, then the only thing you will need is a passport, which costs £5. Registration forms can be obtained from the club, and we can collate and forward to the college to obtain the passports. We can record your hours as follows:
- 1 hour per training session
- 2 hours per match
What are the benefits?
"Children's University works to develop a love of learning in children by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school.
Research shows that participation in extra-curricular activities can positively impact on attainment, increase a pupil’s positive identification with school, and build self-confidence and resilience. It also shows that children that do not have access to these opportunities can fall behind, lack confidence, and fail to develop career aspirations.
Being part of CU give children the opportunity to learn in a rich range of contexts, experience new places, visit universities and attend their own graduation ceremonies. This adventure introduces children to the joy of learning, brings a sense of wonder in the world around them and develops their confidence and aspirations for the brightest futures".

We are very proud and excited to be apart of this fantastic initiative to help show children that learning comes from all aspects of life, not just what they learn in the classroom. Football can be so beneficial to children is so many ways and we will continue our work to be a source of education to them.
Check out one of our superstar players who is already part of the programme!